First, Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS) is used for the layout of a UNIX system. Then it has been made popular by Linux distributions.
This directory structure follows a hierarchical tree-like structure, starting from the root directory ("/") and branching out into subdirectories.
/ (Root Directory): Starting point of the Linux file system hierarchy. All directories and files are located either directly or indirectly under the root directory.
/var (Variable Data): Here’s variable files that change during system operation. Here’s stored log files, spool directories, package databases, web server data, and other variable files.
/bin (Binary Programs): It contains binary executables (programs) that are available to all users. Common commands are ls, cp, mv, etc.
/boot (Bootloader Files): Boot-related files, such as the Linux kernel, initial RAM disk (initrd), and boot loader configurations. It is responsible for loading the operating system during the boot process.
/usr (User Programs and Data): User-related programs, libraries, and data files. It is a large directory. It is divided into subdirectories such as /usr/bin, /usr/lib, /usr/include, etc.
/dev (Device Files): Device files represent various hardware devices on the system. These files gives access to the devices such as hard drives, USB devices, serial ports, etc.
/etc (System Configuration Files): System-wide configuration files and scripts. Configuration files for various services, network settings, user information are stored here.
/home (Home Directories): Home directories for each personal user on the system. Each user can have a subdirectory with their username, where they can store their personal files and settings.
/lib (Shared Libraries): It has shared libraries required by the system and various programs. It provides common functions and features to multiple applications.
/mnt (Mount Directory): It is a temporary mount point for mounting external file systems, such as removable media or network shares.
/opt (Optional Software): It is used for installing additional software packages that are not part of the default system installation.
/proc (Process Information): It is a virtual file system information about running processes and system resources. Each process has a directory named after its process ID (PID), containing information about the process.
/sbin (System Binaries): System-related binaries (programs) that are mostly used by system administrators.
/tmp (Temporary Files): Temporary files created by the system and users. Files in this directory are deleted when the system is rebooted.
Compiled by: Azizul maqsud Reference: #linuxsystemadministration #linux #linuxcommands #cka #ckad